
A stent is a tiny wire mesh tube that keeps an artery propped open to increase blood flow to the heart. When plaque builds up in a coronary artery (which feeds the heart muscle), 它可以使动脉变窄, which may reduce blood flow to the heart and cause symptoms like 胸部疼痛. If a clot forms in this narrow passage and completely blocks blood flow, it will cause a 心脏病.



Why do you need a stent in your heart?

If an artery is about 70% blocked, you may need a stent to keep the artery open, improve blood flow to the heart and relieve symptoms like 胸部疼痛. 支架 are a permanent fixture to increase blood flow to your heart and reduce the chance of a 心脏病.


There are three main types of stents used to open up coronary arteries.

  • 裸金属支架 are simple, metal mesh tubes.
  • 药物洗脱支架 are coated with a medicine that releases into the artery over time. This helps prevent the artery from narrowing again.
  • 生物可降解支架 are temporary stents that dissolve after a few months. 

What to expect when getting a stent – during and after the procedure

Placing a stent is done through a minimally invasive procedure known as a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or 血管成形术(PDF). Your doctor will insert a long, 薄, flexible tube called a catheter into the blood vessels to your heart. This tube has an empty balloon at the end of it, which will get inflated with air to open up the narrowed artery – and place the stent.

手术后, your doctor will probably prescribe antiplatelet medications, 或者血液稀释剂, to prevent blood clots from forming and blocking the artery again. 药物 may include aspirin, clopidogrel, dipyridamole and ticlopidine. You may remain on medication for a year, or longer.

You should watch for complications after getting a stent. The risk of a blood clot with a stent is low, unless you stop taking your blood 薄ners. If you experience 胸部疼痛, it may be a symptom of restenosis, which is when there is tissue growth wi薄 the artery where the stent is placed, and it can lead to a 心脏病. If restenosis develops, you may need another procedure, like the placement of a drug-eluting stent.

You should discuss stent recovery time with your health care professional. Most people need a few days to a week before they can return to work and resume physical activity after a stent. You should also check with your doctor about follow-up care. You may need to schedule an appointment with a specialist like a cardiologist or pulmonologist.


下载: 什么是支架? (PDF)


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